Brain Stem

December 21, 1999
the leaves leave

i had nothing to write about tonite, but then the phone rang. for some reason i answered, even though the callerid box said "unavailable" - usually it means a telemarketeer. i thought it might be one of my friends calling long dist. it wasnt. it was one of my credit cards calling to find out if the big payment i made was to close out the account.

i've never heard of this before. i guess i understand. they also sent me a letter basically asking the same thing, and offering up the same thing - 3.9% on any balance transfers. in other words, they want me to transfer other cards to their card. sheesh. here all i was doing was trying to get out of debt with them. oh well.

what is "virtual darkness" ??? just overheard that phrase on a newscast. heh. its never really dark here, cuz i got a streetlight on the back alley, and a business across the street in front, so its always bright here. moreso now that we have snow on the ground.

well. i guess i had something to say afterall *:)

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