Brain Stem

December 17, 2000
beige olive

for some reason i woke up at 945am today. i usually sleep in later on weekends. so i called SPAETZLEGIRL to see what time we were having brunch. but she wasnt home, nor answering her cell phone. so i tried later. no answer. so i left a message. then i started to wonder if we really had made plans for brunch, or if i had just thought we had. well by 1130 i figured we didnt have any, nor would i hear from her, so off i went to get some of my typical weekend lunch.
by the way, i just LOVE wendy's fries. mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm.... LA FEMME agrees with me that wendy's is perfect food. too bad theres little to no chance that she'll ever want to hook up with me.
coming home with my yummy food, i decided to turn on the Vikings / Packers game. now i'm a Bears fan, which makes me automatically not like either the Vikes or the Pack. but a) i dislike the pack more than the vikes, and b) i live in the land of the vikings, and more importantly c) the vikes are doing really well this year. so, i was quite disappointed by the lackluster performance of the vikings in attempting to beat the packers.

havent heard nor seen online THE EX in a while. i hope things are going ok for her. there are times i do something that reminds me of her and i wonder how shes doing. or my mind wanders through a thought process that she helped create and it reminds me of her. an example of this is we used to notice that our weekend plans all had some common threads. like one weekend would be our 'st paul' based weekend cuz we would do something on friday in st. paul, and then also on saturday.

blah. i cannot believe that the end of the year is almost upon us, and i still am not sure what i'm doing for it. i suppose i could host a party.

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