Brain Stem

December 9, 2000
red saw

well twas a long day full of events. went to see a production at the Ordway Theatre called Amahl and the Night Visitors. also had some balletic productions and some operatic singing. was quite good. there was this piece called The washing machine and short spin. some composer put music to a few poems about laundry. funny stuff. this was all courtesy of M's aunt. which was cool - we had a gaggle of people at this (8) and then we went to her house to have appetizers and so forth. (yummy veggie pizza thing... made with fresh veggies and french cheese spread... mmmmmm) and then we went to go have dinner at a place called Sidney's. they do wood fired stuff - rotisserie chicken, pizzas, pastas... its yummy. i had a rotisserie chicken. then it was back to that house for bday cake and ice cream, and then i had to jet off to meet GOOD WITCH.

GOOD WITCH and i decided to rent a movie to watch over here, and we also stopped so she could get some ice cream at Sebastian Joe's. we decided to rent this really mediocre film called Plunkett And Macleane. Johnny Lee Miller, Robert Carlisle, and Liv Tyler. wasnt all i had hoped for.

and now its late, i should sleep with some nyquil and vitamin C so i can kick this damn cough that was plaguing me all day.

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