Brain Stem

November 24, 1999
our product index

parents in effect...

they took a flight 2 hours earlier, so i had to jet from work way early. had to make them wait cuz i was in the middle of a work problem... oh well. we had a nice afternoon, and a good dinner at this local restaurant called figlio's - its an italian pseudo fusion eatery. fusion cuz they have started mixing up different themes - asian, greek, italian, etc... but my dad got something in his eye, so that sucked... had to go get drugs from walgreens for his eye.

watching tv now, i see this cool blair witch project ripoff commercial - its for a 2 day sale at Target. quite amusing. i am just amused by the blair witch commercial spoofs - 2 guys and a girl did one a few months ago...

today a friend announced at work that i'm a "dog magnet" i kept thinking to something that Steve Albini of Big Black infamy (a punk band from chicago) said, "he's just a bitch magnet" - aka a chick magnet. but no, i'm a "dog magnet". she said this cuz her dog is always excited to see me - he thinks that i'm gonna play with him or something i guess...

my friend o. says animals love me cuz they know i'll be nice to them.

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