Brain Stem

November 22, 2000
power outlet

well i achieved a goal today that my friend scott wanted to do back in college. i got a pathfinder. its great. shiny and black. nifty tan interior. its just fun to drive.

i was feeling somewhat strange so i went and found SPAETZLEGIRL's old 2nd try at a website. her 1st try is soooo long disappeared. i actually wanted to find that, but alas... its gone. i might try and contact the guy who put that up last time to find a copy for her. ok, i guess i'm obsessing a bit. but hey... tis my perogative...

i'm trying to work thru my feelings for SPAETZLEGIRL and having a hard time figuring out what i'm supposed to do with them. i mean, these are my feelings. they probably wont go away. they might subside as i pursue other interests. and eventually they'll probably be my downfall. hehehheh

talking politix with your father is usually a bad thing. but i managed to and we didnt get into a huge fight over any of it. he is still definately a republican, and i'm still definately a democrat. oh well.

draw me something wonderful on my whiteboard

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