Brain Stem

November 7, 1999
n o m o r e p i e . . .

oog. i'm over full. my friend alli came into town this weekend, and today we went with our mutual friend to eat. thats ALL we did all day. eat eat eat. lunch at this deli, where i had matzoball soup and a pastrami on rye. with fries. then to best buy, where i increased my desire for a digital video camcorder - whY? i have no need for one, other than i'd make stoopid videos on it and then put them here to make you spend bandwidth downloading them. then we went to meet some other friends, and we went to the convention grill to eat dinner. there i also ate too much. then from there we went to cafe latte to eat dessert. i foolishly had a triple chocolate strawberry tart. ook. now i need to lie down for a while.

on the good side, i did take shera (my dog) out for a nice walk before the eating began.

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