Brain Stem

October 30, 2000
soulmates: discuss

Congratulations to Gil deFerran on winning the 2000 CART FedEx Championship. he is the coolest driver and he deserves it.

here's something to think about. Soulmates. i happen to believe that there are multiple soulmates out there for everyone. occasionally we get to meet and date and love them. sometimes the timing is bad. sometimes its horrid. sometimes things work out and people are happy. sometimes we find someone who is not the 100% soulmate, but the 90% soulmate, and things break. the hardest thing is finding out that the person wasnt your soulmate, or having your soulmate break your heart. sometimes you find someone who is your soulmate, but is a good friend and not destined to be your lover. if you are a lucky soul, you will find a soulmate as a friend and a soulmate as a lover.
but what do i know? i know that i've found at least one. and shes a good friend. and you know? as i type this, i think that theres more than one.

i think i'm lucky to have all my friends that i do. cuz they are all great people. every one of em.
well maybe not that one. or that one. or that one. oh wait, definately not that one... *;)

are you my soulmate? tell me on my whiteboard

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