Brain Stem

October 22, 2000
go green

didnt update yesterday cuz i had mixed feelings about things in general.

i talked to CUTEGIRL. she gave me a definative "its bad timing" kind of message regarding going out. it was sad, cuz i think we would have had a good time. so i'm moving on. i might still call her every so often to go out. i dunno.

i went with my pilot friend B up to visit our friends D&D at their horse farm. we also flew over the brush fire and took some pix. i was really happy to know that D&D's place was safe from harm.

then B and i went to M's place and dragged her out to dinner and then B had to go cuz he has a curfew - his girlfriend wanted him to meet her after 9. hee hee hee. M was merciless in teasing him about his relationship. ehheh

then M and i hung out at her place cuz she wasnt in the dancing mood which i totally was. so instead we hung out in her bedroom talkin about her ex and sex and relationships.

today i went with M up to D&D's to go horseback ridign. it was fun. i never really did it before today. and they gave me a really nice horse. he was a grand national champion show horse back in '88. really nice horse. merlin. so we stayed up there for a while chattin about friends and gossiping and so forth. was a good nice relaxing time. we were also happy to see that as we left there was a good hard rain. which we needed. and they needed it up there cuz of the brushfires and the fire threat.

and now, i've showered and eaten and i'm all ready to sleep. of course i need to deal with other things first. more mundane things like laundry and dog feeding.

leave me food on my whiteboard

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