Brain Stem

October 19, 2000
sonic foundry

sitting around playing with a rilly super nifty program. its called ACID. it allows you to mix yr own songs. using loops from whatever youwant. check out tis quite nifty.

called THE GIRL tonight. had a nice chat. she been havin a ruff few days. we had a good chat and then she had to go as i called her at work.

did not call CUTEGIRL. decided to wait. or something. i'm all messed up over her and need to see if she'll call.
something tells me i'll be calling her again...

dont you know that the wanting is the key? i mean. everyone needs someone in their lives. and that someone can either be there as a true real partner, or can be a fantasy. ideally they are both. at the same time. its bad when you realize that your fantasy is never going to become real. and when i say fantasy, i dont mean when you think about your favorite movie star trussed up in bed for you. i mean when you dream about someone who you know and who you want to make your (girl/boy)friend. when those fantasies crash, its the worst. thats why most breakups are so painful.

made a yummy grilled cheese for dinner. theres this trick where you use mayo instead of butter on the outside so when you grill it, it gets rilly crisp and brown. well i used mayo mustard and a little parm. YUM. and inside was a nice gooey cheddar. all on my homemade (breadmachine) bread. YUM.

heh i'm gonna go find some pretzels to snack on now that i've made myself drool.

leave me food on my whiteboard

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