Brain Stem

October 15, 2000
horse barn

i m helping a friend of mine online who is dealing with a asshole of an ex boyfriend. he's just being really mentally abusive to her since they broke up. its bad. i'm glad i can help her. or try to at least.

i had a productive day of running errands and doing some lawn work - raking leaves. actually, i use a leaf vacuum. its a leaf blower that you can attach a tube and bag to and it sucks in the leaves, chops them a bit and then blows them into a bag. so needless to say, i spent a little bit cleaning out all the gunk from my nose, hair, jeans, etc.

then i went with M and drove towards canada. my friends D & D live up that way, and they have a horse farm, and my friend B was up there hangin out. so we all hung out and played with the burning wood in the burn barrel, and i had thought we were goin to go eat, but it turned out that they had eaten already. so we just sat around and chatted. then M and i left and drove back to the cities. got starvin and stopped and grabbed fast food. something i'm sure i'll regret later.

well i need to call a friend of mine who stays up late. ciao!

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