Brain Stem

August 28, 2000
protein window

i was afraid i wouldnt be able to type this entry in. i got back from the gym about 15 mins ago, and my arms are just jello. i've not been to work out in a long while. bad me. and to make things worse, i didnt get a chance to eat dinner before i worked out, so i was just totally exhausted. wasnt even able to do all the machines on the circuit, i was so exhausted. but i did the main ones i do - just skipped the military press and the chest press. so i was able to do other ones.

had an interesting experience with a malfunctioning treadmill. i had paused it to grab a book holder to hold my walkman, and then it fritzed and wouldnt restart. the trainer had to turn it off, and on... it was just weird.

work went surprisingly fast. tomroow shold be interesting, i have a half day 'planning' meeting for a group i dont work for. big big things in store that i'm helpin plan for them.

dont forget to check out the whiteboard

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