Brain Stem

August 18, 2001
the choice

was pleasantly surprised by a phone call from my friend J. she wanted to meet up for lunch and a bit of shopping at the Mall of America. the megamall as we call it. so i met her and her daughter and we went to have lunch at cafe odyssey. was quite good. then we went and did a bit of shopping. i even bought something at the Apple store. mmmmm.... it was quite cool. the mall was packed. that did suck.

later i went over to my friend M's for her son's first year birthday party. it was quite nice. the cool part was seeing her ex-roommate A. A had moved to chicago to go to grad school at my alma mater. shes really cute. but shes got this ex in chicago that she owns a house with. complex things. and i dont think she was interested in me. of course, she was quite tired - turned out she and M only had 4 hours of sleep and they had run around and done all the last minute cooking/setup for the party.

wow. a somewhat lengthy entry. be shocked. brunch tomorrow with the other M.

hmm. perhaps i need more nicknames for all these women who pass through my life. unfortunately they dont pass thru in that way.

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