Brain Stem

August 5, 2000
noon croon

well i finally mowed the lawn. had to fix the fuel system on the mower though. somehow it had gotten so it wouldnt feed any gas to the engine. weird stuff. once i got it goin it was really slow cuz the engine wasnt firin right. then it just kinda started goin normal speed. i really need to learn more about small engines.

it was good to get that done. i need to get my energy back up so i can go working out and stuff. having energy just is good. it makes me feel better and less moody. cuz damn i can be a moody sunuvabitch.

went to see a movie with M and D. i was sorta mean to M, cuz she had eaten a really really garlicky dinner, and she turned to tell me something in the theatre and i was like "HOLY CRAP! DONT TALK TO ME! UGH! THATS HORRID!" or something like that. that wasnt nice. i felt bad, but then i just kept goin. what up wit that? i dunno if it was just me bein pissy cuz i was havin problems with a computer this afternoon, or what... but the movie did cheer me up. it was Shanghai Noon. quite funny. i liked it.

plus Lucy Liu is just HOT.

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