Brain Stem

July 3, 2000
dollar short

managed to waste away a perfectly good day. whittled it away while doing things that i needed to do, and also didnt do things i should have done. dont you hate that?

its just one of those days. got the feeling that thats goin around too. an online friend is acting strange, sorta like shes back to being a low self esteem girl again. me and the EX did a psuedo intervention a while back, and she was good for a bit. now, shes bopped in and out of this one talker a few times, and hasnt really said anything. oog. i hope shes ok.
she reads this too. so, glowgirl, you be good. lemme know if you need anything.

elsewise, its fourth of july. the birthday of america. the day we threw off the shackles of british rule. and look at us now. one has to wonder what canada or austrailia would be like if they did the same. but no, they're still part of the crown's empire. weird huh? we still have the british empire after all these years. just think. we could have 4 superpowers, not just 2. (i still count Russia / former soviet states as a superpower) life would certainly be a bit different. for sure different in Britain. oh well. maybe someone can write a made for tv movie about it. or a bad suspense novel.

Secret Message:
qfj zrel cvznb tre v brl cqrc v zvuuyn lfd? efc nefdpq. reu cqrc v zvbb lfd? efc enrayl nefdpq.

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