Brain Stem

June 18, 2000
dim sum

dim sum is a chinese buffet meal. i love doing it with friends. the EX (O) and i found a great dim sum at our favorite chinese restaurant - Yangtzee. YUM. well today M and i went to dim sum - our favorite brunch meal. we took her cousin K who had never had dim sum before, seeing as how she lives in a relatively small town in Iowa, its not too surprising. she LOVED it. yummy food. and today, it was just FREAKIN packed. i dunno why. and they had some new dishes to try. some new shrimp dishes, and a couple of changes in their recipes... it was just a good brunch. it always is.

the funny thing is we ate sooooo much. M's cousin K can put the food away. and its just not fair, she has a metabolism that is really fast, so she is tiny!

i just like good food. it was a weekend of yummy eats. since K was in town for the weekend, M wanted to go out a lot more, and we certainly did. we had yummy mexican friday night, this wonderful place called Nikki's saturday night, and of course dim sum this morning. YUM.

i definately need to polish up on my cooking skills.

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