Brain Stem

May 16, 2000
show again

well a trying day of work. philosophical discussions with your boss never go well. especially when the philosophy you are discussing are the ones you are pushing regarding how work things should be done.
needless to say my neck is all tight.

but somehow it doesnt seem to impact me all that much. yes. i'm in a good mood tonite. why? you ask. well, thats a good question. its possible that its due to the power of television. yes. televsion. i watched what i believe was the season finale of Sports Night. its this wonderful show on ABC. i've liked it from the beginning. and tonite was no exception. its a great show. the writing is superb, and it can bring you laughter and sadness, all within a span of thirty minutes. which really means twenty-four minutes when you subtract out all the commercials.

there's probably other things making me happy, but i really dont feel like typing much more, cuz i am gonna try and figure out how to dial international long distance, all so i can talk to an answering machine.

no, i dont have to make sense all the time.

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