Brain Stem

April 20, 2001
goodbye lint

i had an ok day at work today. except for the fact that it was beautiful out and i was stuck at my desk.

even suckier by huge amounts more, was the page that i got from THE EX.

"lint died last night sometime, we don't know why yet... i'm pretty upset. she was a good cat and i'll miss her very much."

lint was the cat she got when she lived with me, and she wanted a more affectionate cat than my cat donut . lint was a bitchy cat. but a really good cat. she would come up and lie on top of you while you were lying down reading. she just loved attention. i really loved her. when THE EX moved out for a few months, i took care of lint, and spoiled lint rotten. heh, she got table scraps (she thought she was a dog i think) and all sorts of attention, which caused my cat to get all jealous. lint had this wonderful heart shaped marking in her fur on one side too. it rocked. she will definately be missed.

death is a hard thing. i've never really had to deal with it much other than recently. i mean, with a loved one. since i never had pets while growing up, lint is the first pet i've had that has died. so its pretty rough for me.

ok i'm done. we now return you to your regularly scheduled drinking.

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