Brain Stem

April 7, 2001
meat sauce

well i ate way too much red meat today. i basically ate cheeseburgers. both lunch and dinner. twas how it ended up goin down i'm afraid. but i did get to eat and learn the recipe for yummy zuchinni fries. they're not really fried, they're breaded and baked. but they are good.

managed to find a new fascination. one with tall women. yeah. cuz i'm in a position to be picky about women. i'm such a moron. but yeah. its my current crush. tall women. eheheheh. strange things.

i am sensing chaos in some of the other journals i read. and i feel for those writers. its always bad when you read about someone's suffering. i hate it. and there are people i would like to know better.

oh i forgot to mention this cuz i was zonked last nite, but i ran into an old old friend of mine. at arby's at lunch no less. she was someone who i usually hang out with and then lose track of for a year or so. its happened this way for a few years. long ago i think my friend J was trying to set us up. but it never happened. we last lost touch as she was thinking about moving into my house for a 2nd time. but then she got preggers, and had to deal with that situation. now she's livin with the father, and she has a healthy boy. which is cool. i need to email her and say "wattup? let's have lunch!"

then we can hang out for a bit, and then drop off for another year.

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