Brain Stem

April 3, 2001
answering anvil

well uh. i did something i will probably come to regret. no, thats not true, i'll probably not regret it, nothing will probably come of it. i answered some personal ads. dunno why, i just thought i'd give it a try. i answered a few in the pat, but havent had any much luck. i was thinking about putting one in, but then i thought, that would probably be depressing. cuz no one would answer.

its time for me to get cracking on some work stuff, although i've pissed away most of the night. i should really go to sleep so i can go to work fresh and refreshed, as opposed to last night, where i stayed up WAY TOO LATE reading a book by Carl Hiassen called Sick Puppy. quite a fun read.

hanging out with my chicago friends this weekend made me realize that i might have made a mistake in moving up to minneapolis back 10 years ago... its probable that i would have found someone down there or at least had a few more relationships than i have had up here. not that i'm regretting moving up here. becuase i have had some excellent experiences up here. i probably would be less online if i were still in chicago. this webjournal probably wouldnt exist.

anyways, the past is the past. the future is the important stuff. the future is now. up is go.

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