Brain Stem

March 13, 2001
hangover bunny

the discussion for a bit tonite was about why it was that lots of people were being quit bitchy now. one opinion ventured was that everyone knew that the world was coming to an end. what with this mad cow / hoof mouth disease causing thousands of animals to be destoryed over in england and europe, its all quite scary. actually sounds like a plot out of a movie. as in 'evil genius plots revenge by poisoning all cattle and livestock' or worse yet, the way the earth ground to a halt plot that supercedes a giant catastrophe in umpteen sci-fi movies (ala The Matrix, terminator, any William Gibson novel) i can still remember how as a young boy, i was convinced that nuclear war would end my life. and its almost like the ascension of Dubya into office rekindles all that.

maybe i just need to cheer the fuck up eh?

in good news, my cold seems to have dissipated somewhat, hopefully tomorrow i'll wake up without any congestion at all.

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