Brain Stem

March 2, 2000
smooth buttery flavor

re-inventing the wheel. i love hearing clueless managers asking "but aren't we re-inventing the wheel then?" um no. and if i tried to explain it you wont understand. (but i did try and explain it, a few times, and she still didnt get it. why do i bother?)

on similar but other fronts, a victory of sorts occured today for my political side.
(no i am NOT talking about national politix, where hopefully we dont put another shrub into office.)
a project that i am in favor of, but my management isnt, was approved/pushed through by upper management! WOOHOO!!!

i'm still wondering why i have a stiff neck, even after a neck/scalp massage during my haircut tonite. perhaps cuz i'm not using any back support on this chair. hmm.
ok i've shifted positions, and this should be better. yes. we'll see.

holy crap! tomorrow's friday!!! where the heckfire did the week go?

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