Brain Stem

February 24, 2000
foghorn leghorn

some of the buzz at work today was about jennifer lopez's uh... outfit she wore at the grammy awards wed nite. WHOA. i didnt watch the show, so i had to look it up on da web, where i saw a few shots and was like "Oh dear" i just wonder what she was thinking. i mean, it definately builds the buzz on her... sheeesh

the weirdest fog rolled in tonite. could barely see out the car window it was so thick. ok it wasnt THAT thick, but it was thick. scary driving for sure. makes me worry a bit cuz my EX is driving up tonite with her cousin for a weekend visit.

we're gonna go see Kids in the Hall. live. i'm pretty excited. they rock. its really sad that Newsradio is no longer in production, since i thought dave foley was the best. is the best. yes.

back in college, i worked at a radio station, and we interviewed Kids in the Hall. and since i was young and stupid, i blew off the chance at meeting them. of course, they werent all that popular in the US yet...

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