Brain Stem

February 11, 2001
moonlit dragon

i am beginning to dislike Internet Explorer very very much. its been responsible for my computer crashing the last 2 days. ugh.

had a rather fun afternoon. went sledding with M and D and their neighbor C. found a rilly fun place to go. and it was just plain fun. never mind that we were the oldest 'kids' out there. it was just good cold fun.

later, after we warmed up with hot cocoa (mmmm add hazelnut syrup to some. its RAWKIN!) with real marshmellows, we ate some subs and then went to see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. yes. i saw it again. i will see that again and again. i cant wait to get it on DVD. mmmmmmmm.

after i dropped them off i went to target to see if i could find the soundtrack, but its not out or they dont carry it. *sigh* definately have to get that.

the second time around the movie is more moving. or perhaps it was just as moving as the first. its such a beautiful movie. we all were stunned by it.

got a somewhat interesting message on the answering machine from GROCERY GIRL. shes been taking a "sabbatical from life" as she put it. sorting out her thoughts on how she should deal with some things in her life. dunno if i was part of that or not. i dunno what i am to her. perhaps simply a distraction. not that important. i too have been trying to sort out my feelings and thoughts on important things in my life. the last few weeks have brought some changes to hopes and dreams, and exposed other truths to me that i had hidden away. nasty thoughts abound, and i hope to try and ground myself somehow. watching the movie makes me think that i need to better focus my inner energies and feelings.

well let us see what this week brings. of course Valentine's day is rabidly approaching. the bane of all single people's existance. if you are in a relationship, i envy you. it would be pleasant to be in that blissful ignorance of a relationship. i just finished a friend VD card to SPAETZLEGIRL and i was oh so tempted to get a real lovey one, but thats just dumb. i sense she'll be soon breaking me apart like others have, and i hope i can focus my energies in time so that i'm not hurt. i dont think she'll hurt me though because our original relationship of friendship was quite strong before i saw her in the new light. but alas, i've seen her in that perspective, and it will always be the way i see her. which is fine. i can deal.

ok shutting up now.

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