Brain Stem

January 23, 2001
lunch food

Dateline: Bonaire

Slept in like a big lazy dog. didn't really do anything but sit around and read and lounge. Oh yah, went to get more groceries for lunch food. mom bought some conch meat to make conch fritters. mmmmmmm yummy.

made some red beans and rice for lunch, and ate some gouda with bread.

yah, these few days entries sound more like the boring old "here's what i did today" type. but at least i'm in an exotic locale right?

Dad flew in this afternoon. will be good as my mom can be a bit much. although it was not nearly as bad as my sister feared. THE EX also suggested it would be bad, but it wasnt.

today was a day of meditative thought. which is what usually happens down here. I did decide that i will try and scuba dive the next few days, as it will be good exercise which i sorely need.

i'll still have time to think on things, which is never good for me. but it'll still be good.

thought of THE GIRL and SPAETZLEGIRL today. actually thought of THE EX, GROCERYGIRL and GOODWITCH too. i really need to find a way to Australia this year.

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