Brain Stem

January 17, 2001
daylights fade

some things do still amaze me in this wonderful world of ours.
1. we are still capable of screwing ourselves over (see Calif. power issues)
2. we are still capable of immense stupidity in the name of religion and politics (see W)
3. we are incredibly foolish to not better use what resources we have
4. we can communicate with people all over the world, yet we cant talk to our neighbors
5. its possible to sit and watch people on your computer - normal everyday people, and watch as they become celebrities because their picture is showing up.
6. beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, but no one really remembers it.
7. looks count for more than they should. (i'm really guilty of this)
8. too often, too many people use rudeness as a defense mechanism
9. TV is too often used as a tool of avoidance
10. brilliance is not always measured in book smarts

ok. i should sleep. THE GIRL might page me middle o da night before she leaves for her big day out. i'll miss her terribly.

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