Brain Stem

January 15, 2001
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well i tried to eat a little better today. but i did eat ice cream, which i should NOT have. its double chocolate chunk, which GROCERYGIRL brought over last week for our dinner. and if its still here when i get back from vacation, it gets dumped. do NOT need to be eating ice cream.

THE GIRL is gonna be staying with some huge guy who makes me jealous. not that i should be jealous, but i am. and now you all know it, and so does she.

it is becoming readily apparent that the vacation that is coming up is something i really need. so why am i stressing over it? i dont know. but i am, and it sucks.

here's a funny story, or at least an interesting one. THE GIRL and i sent each other xmas packages at the beginning of december. neither of us got them. so she contacted Australian postal authorities to track the packages. i guess they track every package thru their system including international ones, so once they get into their system, they know where it all is. well it turns out that they were able to find that my package ended up in her town's post office, and her package had not yet left that post office. further investigation revealed that the owner of the business that runs their post (small town, its not a govt post office i guess) has been uh... intercepting packages... so thats where the 2 boxes were. so they said that it would be about 2 weeks before they had the packages all straightened out, and today, she got word at work from her mum that she had received a package... so maybe xmas for her will be this evening, and i'll get mine soon too. lets hope.

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